CBD indispensable in leisure and professional sports

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of more than several hundred cannabinoids in the hemp plant and the second best known after THC. Especially medical users became aware of the therapeutic properties of CBD.

However, CBD can also provide comprehensive positive support for exercise or sports units. On the one hand to promote the positive effects of physical activity and on the other hand to improve regeneration after sport. The right regeneration is at least as important for sporting progress as the training itself.

CBD and sport
an unbeatable combination

But not only for advanced athletes, but also for beginners CBD can be a significant support to make the start easier. Especially the mental component plays an important role in sports. CBD can take a holistic approach. For this reason CBD is already very popular in the sports sector.

CBD supports with:

  • Stress reduction
  • Relaxation
  • inflammation inhibition
  • Improvement of the sleep quality
  • Reduction of muscle cramps

Stress reduction & relaxation

CBD reduces stress levels, which increases mental performance and minimizes the risk of overexertion. CBD also helps to relax after a physically intensive training. The inner peace is promoted and thereby increases the general well-being.

inflammation inhibition

CBD can also reduce possible inflammatory processes, so-called inflammations, which hinder physical activity. CBD also supports the immune system and thus strengthens the body's protective shield.

Improvement of the sleep quality

Sleep is essential for our mental and physical well-being and is another important pillar of our health, along with nutrition and exercise. Due to our modern lifestyle, night's rest is often underestimated and comes too short. However, this can have fatal consequences and also impair physical performance during sports. CBD can help to improve the quality of sleep and sleep through.

Reduction of muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are another undesirable side effect, which can occur especially when training is too frequent or incorrectly performed. The antispasmodic properties of CBD can have a beneficial effect here. Muscle cramps are also caused by an unbalanced diet and the resulting deficiency symptoms.


How to take CBD?

For sports activities it is recommended to take the drops directly after training and before going to bed. It is also recommended to take the drops on non-training days, especially in the evening before training, to promote regeneration.

Legal situation of CBD in leisure and professional sports

CBD may be used in both recreational and professional sports. Compared to THC, CBD has no intoxicating effects.

No problem with WADA

More and more articles report that CBD is a useful alternative, especially as a natural painkiller for athletes.

WADA, the World Anti Doping Agency, has also removed CBD from the list of banned substances in sport. Therefore athletes can use CBD products without any problems.

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